RAMDO Partner


The Altair Partner Alliance (APA) provides access to a broad spectrum of complementary software products using customers’ existing HyperWorks Units which can be used to download and use partner product applications on-demand such as RAMDO.

RAMDO Integration


Altair HyperStudy™ is a design exploration tool for engineers and designers. It automatically creates intelligent design variants, manages runs, and collects data. RAMDO software works as a bi-directional data link with HyperStudy to incorporate the variability of input variables into their simulation models.

Future Software Integrations

modeFRONTIER is a comprehensive solution for process automation and optimization in the engineering design process. Its modular environment is key to reduce complexity, improve efficiency and cut development time.

MATLAB® combines a desktop environment tuned for iterative analysis and design processes with a programming language that expresses matrix and array mathematics directly.

LS-OPT is a stand­alone De­sign Op­ti­miza­tion and Prob­a­bilis­tic Analy­sis pack­age with an in­ter­face to LS-DY­NA.

Don’t see your simulation tool? Let us know.