
Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO) is a specific type of optimization process that takes into account input variability.


In the RBDO model for robust system parameter design, the mean values of the random system parameters are usually used as design variables, and the cost is optimized subject to prescribed probabilistic constraints by solving a mathematical nonlinear programming problem. Therefore, the solution from RBDO provides not only an improved design but also a higher level of confidence in the design. 

RAMDO RBDO Key Features

RAMDO RBDO is a uniquely accurate and highly efficient optimization method. By taking into account the variability of input variables, RAMDO RBDO is able to produce a highly reliable optimum solutions. In addition, RAMDO RBDO’s computational methods perform these optimizations in a highly efficient manner, saving simulation time and money.


RAMDO RBDO works in conjunction with the simulation model, allowing engineers to define variability of the input parameters. What’s unique in RAMDO is, instead of creating the typical surrogate model over the entire design space, RAMDO RBDO uses a proprietary technique call Variance Window™ to create the model over a strategic localized area. This method drastically reduces the required simulation runs needed to perform the RBDO, producing highly accurate results at a much lower computational cost.

Stryker A-Arm
  • Improved reliability to 98% target
  • Reduced weight by 19.6%
  • Increased product life by 10.8 times
M1A1 Abrams Tank Roadarm
  • Improved reliability to 98% target
  • Reduced weight by 8%
  • Increased product life by 50 times
Suspension Component Durability

RAMDO RBDO can be used to complement simulations and durability analysis to better analyze and optimize part designs. By accounting for variation and correlation of material properties and part dimensional variation due to manufacturing processes, RAMDO RBDO can provide optimum part designs with improved reliability and increase fatigue life, while minimizing the weight.

Applications of RAMDO RBDO

Design optimization under uncertainty

Reliability-Based Design Optimization (RBDO)

Robust Design Optimization (RDO)

Reliability-Based Robust Design Optimization (RBRDO)

Case Study Spotlight

Ground Vehicle Durability

This case study show how RAMDO RBDO was used to improve reliability, reduce weight, and increase fatigue life for a vehicle suspension part.

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